More than just design

Brand awareness text



Brand awareness refers to the level of recognition of a particular business or brand by people. They may not necessarily be customers of that business or have any specific feelings about buying the product or using the services; but simply are aware that the business or brand exists. This usually consists of identifying multiple visual components of the brand, general feelings about the company, and any other information about a product or service. A recently conducted study by a graphic design company shows that 82% of people will want to work with brands they are familiar with.

This awareness is either an immediate recognition of a product or service as a result of good branding, or a satisfied customer’s capacity to recognize and remember a brand. Therefore, it is important to create noticeable, catchy and visual brand components that pique the interest of potential customers. Research revealed that 27% of consumers look up a business after seeing their display ad – which further illustrates the need to pay attention to your online presence.

Note that brand identity is not just just a good logo and catchy value propositions. It also includes what the company stands for. Creating a relatable and memorable brand is key.

Your audience matters: For effective brand awareness, you’ll need to know who your customers are in order to provide them with a personalized experience that exceeds their expectations. Demographic knowledge is crucial, but it is equally important to spend time discovering  what  their hobbies and values are. 

Consider the following aspects when creating a catchy, cutting edge brand:

  1. Physique: The design and iconography, the visual identity of the company.
  2. Reflection: The typical personality of the customers (the ideal buyer persona).
  3. Self-image: How the customers perceive themselves and the ideal that brought them to that brand.
  4. It is a Pavlov’s dog experiment: Always have a consistent design that the customers are constantly exposed to. This will keep them expectant and hungry for more of the brand’s products and services! It will also make them want to associate themselves with the brand.

Why is brand awareness essential?

  • Competitive advantage: They say first impressions are everything – and we agree. If you want to unapologetically stand out, your brand identity has to be cutting edge so that your potential customers are eager to associate themselves with it. Apply impeccable creativity, uniformity and consistency at all times as this will set you apart from other businesses in the same field. As you can probably tell by now, brand awareness increases the effectiveness of your marketing plan.
  • Customer loyalty: A unique, consistent and customer-centered brand will always have the highest customer retention and recommendation. When people know that your brand provides top notch quality, they will associate that quality feeling to your products and services and will not want to switch brands.
  • Trust and authenticity: This usually comes from the consistency of your design, color palette and other brand components. People will automatically identify Coca Cola by their uniquely curved white letters on a bold red background. This clearly illustrates the value of quality branding in building awareness.

Tips on building your brand:

  1. In a predominantly electronic age, physical items can create a difference between you and everyone else in your field. Design promotional items such as flyers, posters, banners or even branded merchandise that can aid in building brand awareness. Always be consistent with the brand’s visual identity and include contact information.
  2. Develop a website: A website is important in order to establish an online presence for your brand. Maintain a consistent logo and  theme color to reflect the visual identity of the brand. Also, ensure that all the features are working efficiently. Your goal should always be to provide the best user experience for your customers.
  3. Use graphic design to create visually appealing items such as memes, infographics and videos that can be posted on social media platforms to promote your products or services. Leveraging content marketing is one of the  contributions of graphic design towards brand awareness. Develop valuable information that can be shared with potential customers to build trust.

In conclusion, build a formidable brand that draws in potential customers and ensures that current clients are eager to stay committed to your brand!