More than just design

Meet Our Team

As KDI, we believe in team work and collaboration. Therefore, all roles have been well established to enable the development of the brand.

As a team member of KDI, you will be availed with a Job Description to understand your role better and be in position to enable the growth of the company.

Edwin Kavuma

Team Lead.
A design enthusiast aiming to make the world a better place.

Prossy Adokorach

Marketing Lead
A dedicated, confident team player with enormous experience in customer-oriented service delivery.

Denise Kyozira

Finance Lead.
A flexible learner who believes that if it is to be, it is up to her.

Victorious Manghenyi

Social Media Manager
Versatile, insightful and optimistic member of the team; passionate about adding colour to life through design.

Catherine Muguluma

Personal Assistant.
A very trustworthy, prompt, curious and helpful person.

Anthea Ampaire

Communications Lead.
Tenacious, self-driven and passionate learner determined to do what it takes in the pursuit of utmost excellence..

Jonathan Kawuma

Operations Manager 
A leader aspiring towards growth, creativity and systems.

Bruce Mike Nasasira

Assistant Head of Operations
A diligent, enthusiastic and hardworking person.